We Help You Make Informed Decisions
If you would like a confidential conversation about our search process and recruiting for a critical position in your company or if you have a confidential question regarding your own personal career, please call or email us. There is never a risk or obligation, just professional guidance on your options. Call (615) 480-5685 or email us at guice@guicesmith.com.
The Right Leadership
A national executive search firm, Guice Smith & Associates consistently delivers best-matched, highest-quality candidates for companies, consulting and professional service firms, ministries and not-for-profits. Our industries served include, but are not limited to, life sciences, hospital and healthcare management companies, manufacturing, financial services, construction, technology and accounting, tax and consulting. Within your organization we can help you recruit in the C-Suite, Operations, Sales and Marketing, Accounting and Finance. With a combined 237 years of consistent and professional service, you’ll find a team of search experts at GS&A that partner with you for success.